This form is used to either pay your Joining Fee or Renewal. If you are Joining as an ANSMA Affiliate you must request approval first via the following link:
Renewals are due on the 31st January of each year for your club and its members to stay financial for that calendar year. Use the form to Pay and update any changes to committee members and club contacts. Joining and Renewal costs are as follows:
Clubs with up to and including 30 members = $360.00. Clubs with 31 plus members pay the $360 ANSMA Membership plus $10 for each extra member. The Affiliate Renewal form calculates the renewal cost for you when you update your membership numbers in the field provided.
The form provides two options to pay. Credit Card and via Bank Transfer. Credit card is our preferred option.
If your club uses the Bank Transfer option you must follow the instructions on the form and complete the form with the upload of your bank deposit receipt in order to complete your renewal.
Staying a financial Affiliate with the Australian National Street Machine Association Inc. will give coverage for your Club and its members under our $20,000,000.00 Public and Product Liability Insurances.
By default, your Club affiliation with us means your Club will also become a member of an umbrella organisation called the AUSTRALIAN CONFEDERATION OF MOTOR CLUBS Inc. (ACMC Inc.) which brings together Hot Rodders, Motorsport Enthusiasts, Motorcyclists, Street Machiners and Veteran and Classic Car Owners Associations from all across Australia.
ANSMA Inc. is a founding Member of the Australian Confederation of Motor Clubs (ACMC).
ANSMA Inc. through its membership of ACMC Inc was successful in 2015 to have a 60 Day Log Book Scheme created for Historic vehicles which were already eligible for the Conditional Registration Scheme (CRS) the second tier of this scheme commenced in December 2016 to creating a scheme to cater for modified vehicles 30 years or older.
This Scheme is referred to as “Classic Vehicle Scheme” (CVS).
As an affiliated Club, your club can authorise its member’s vehicles for the CVS subject to their suitability for that scheme.
(Conditional car registrations are for NSW residents only.)
Members and Member Clubs are also encouraged to nominate for positions on the executive of ANSMA at the Associations AGM’s and please note that members from Victoria, ACT, Western Australia, Tasmania and Queensland can nominate for the Executive without the need to attend the AGM, and their attendance is not required at subsequent meetings as they are conducted by email or telephone given the significant geographical distances between clubs.
However, nominees for the positions of National President and National Vice President must be in attendance at the AGM and must have held a Committee Position for at least two years prior to nomination, (see the ANSMA Inc. Constitution).
Please if you need information or assistance in any matters related to the continuance and improvement of our motoring lifestyle please do not hesitate to contact us at